Thursday, December 3, 2009

Musings of the devil's workshop.....

Another day wasted (wallowing in self-pity) : oblivious to the world around me.

It was just one of those days when all I thought of was.....

  all the things I failed at;

  all the decisions I made only because someone else wanted things to happen that way and I blindly followed       that path only coz I didn't have the courage to voice out my opinions or follow them;

  all the (WRONG) decisions I stood by and accepted without reasoning it out;

  all that i had to face or listen to only coz I kept quiet when I shouldn't have;
  the person I had dreamt of becoming and the person I am today!

It was just one of those days when i wished I cud put the blame for all this on someone else... but deep inside knew that irrespective of whom i put the blame on.. i am the sole reason for it!

Now that I think of all the blunders (small or big) I committed over the years.. I just wish that I had a remote control with the rewind button on it.. atleast i cud have un-done a few if not all.. Everyone gets a second chance to change things or do it in a different way (atleast thats wat they say).. Will I get mine? Or did I just miss that while wallowing in self pity;

1 comment:

  1. And I soon as I wrote penned this.. I snapped out of my trance and realized that it was just one of those days when nothing went right which led to this "wallowing in self-pity".

    And now that I have penned this down.... i'm feelin much better :D
