Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My creations......

I had never thought of myself as an "artistic person" (right until now).

All around me I would see people drawing, painting, sketching, cooking, knitting etc etc and wonder how it would feel to be able to create something (rather anything). 

Well.. I did try my hand at drawing and cooking!
As far as drawing goes.. I think I SUCK! :D You wouldn't even be able to identify MICKEY MOUSE if I drew one :D :D.
And cooking.. how much ever I would love to be called an EXCELLENT COOK.. I HATE COOKING. (and I only talk about the everyday BORING cooking.. and not once in a while "special dish" cooking.)

I did WRITE for a while. But that was only till my grandparents were around.. to read (and re-read) whatever I had written and praise me as if I was the best writer :). (How I miss those dayz!)

Well anyways coming back to my artistic capabilities... Now, after all these years (all thanks to RECESSION) I finally found out that even I can CREATE something. Yup. I finally have a HOBBY.. CHOCOLATE MAKING!! And in my dictionary this defintely counts as being ARTISTIC :D.

The satisfaction I get when I see someone relishing the chocolates that I made... makes me feel as if I am on the top of the world :) !!!

It has not only become my all time stress-buster but also my successful part time business. 

Take a look at some of the chocolates I made.. (didn't say taste coz you'll have to place an order for that :D :D)

:) they look lovely isn't it? Well they taste equally amazing :D


  1. Next time you bring some, we'll take time to shoot 'em well too. They deserve to be painted in the right light :P
    You're awesome, chocolate lady!

  2. Errr.... ek sample milega kya?? :D

  3. woh ek sample mumbai aate aate kahin kho gaya to :D

  4. Apoooo... I missed it like by that much... :(
    I am very proud of you dear...keep going!

  5. @ Shekhar - U're most welcome to visit Pune.. And then u'lee definitely get ur sample :)

  6. @ IC.. Hey Gal.. U'll get ur chocs for sure the next time u're here or I come to Cal... Its a done deal..
